Perspective taking

Children can find it difficult to understand a situation from someone else’s point of view, or be unwilling to consider another person’s feelings because they are trying to deal with their own difficult emotions. Sometimes, this difference doesn’t matter, but other times it can lead to fights with siblings and friends, or arguments with parents, teachers or other carers. Working through a situation using this activity can help kids:

  • Learn to read emotions in themselves and others.

  • Understand different people’s perspectives in a given situation.

  • Develop social skills including empathy, problem-solving, and cooperation.

Perspective Taking Explained

A handout that describes perspective taking, and the different skills that can be developed when working through a situation using this activity.

Download handout

Perspective Taking Activity

A worksheet that guides you through a simple process to understand what happened in a particular situation, and what could be done differently next time.

Download worksheet

Perspective Taking Example

Examples of how to use the Perspective Taking Activity worksheet.

Download example


Calming activities


Understanding emotions